Premium Speed Reducer ( GV -TYPE )
Premium Speed Reducer ( GV -TYPE )
Premium Speed Reducers are of substantial construstion, combining rigidity with strength.
The worm is of high quality case-hardening steel, accurately generated, ground and super-finished. The worm wheel comprises a phosphor bronzer centrifugally cast rim of substantial section welded to a rigid centre, which is pressed and keyed to the shaft.
Shafts are located on dual purpose bearing of ample capacity and having a substantial margin on output shafts for accommodating overhung loads. Lubrication is positive at all speeds, in either direction of rotation and apart from an occasional oil check, no attention is necessary in service.
Units are handed 'R' and 'L' with the suffix 'X' or 'Y' denoting position of slow speed shaft extension.
These are shown in the diagrams on the following page and references should be quoted when ordering.